We are a group of dynamic young people, who want everyone to enjoy the goods of civilization and advanced technology, so that we all feel equal in society. We are confident that by being united, we will be able to open gates, extend a helping hand to those in need, build bridges, build on mutual trust and determination to persevere in the pursuit of our goal. We want people to understand that everything in the world is possible, with just a little good will and little effort from everyone, and the reality can be more easily faced when there is at least a minimum degree of comfort and adaptation for the visually impaired. We were born as a group out of a desire to take concrete action, in order to minimize stereotypes about the disability in question, of our entire society. Only together, by helping each other, can we move forward and cope with the pace of life. Everyone needs to meet certain needs in order to survive such as work, rest, studies, health, comfort, regardless of social background, gender, age, religion or social status. If for a healthy person to go shopping, to go to a pharmacy, to cross the street, these are some simple activities to do, for us, the visually impaired, they are often a real challenge. Therefore, we want to be looked at like no other. A visually impaired person also has the need to learn, socialize, work, start a family. The person with special needs experiences the same feelings and emotions of joy, pleasure, upset, etc. We are all equal. We are all human.